Founded in 2006, the Padma Sambhava Charity Foundation (PSCF) is a non-profit organization registered in Tukuche, Nepal under Khenpo Khyentse's guidance. PSCF has been gradually trying to realize her four missions: education, an old folks’ home, health care, and spiritual education in Buddhism. Khenpo Khyentse wishes to build up this rural area, without any discrimination by race, finance, or religion, by offering modern heath care and education combined with the power of positive thinking and the wisdom of Buddhism.
In 2011, the Padma Sambhava Charity Foundation (PSCF) established the Shree Nalanda Buddhist School (SNBS) in Tukuche, Mustang District in northwestern Nepal. The school has enrolled over 160 children who are from poor families around the Himalayan region. SNBS provides these kids education and housing without any charge. All the cost of teachers’ salaries, housing, food, and health care are supported by PSCF.
Old Folks Home
One of the Foundation’s plans is to build an old folks’ home, Fa-Ma House, to take care seniors who are over 70 years old. In Fa-Ma House, the guests not only spend their lives, but also share their lives and experiences together along with spiritual programs in Buddhism designed by the Foundation.
Health Care
The Foundation knows that basic health care is crucial for those people who live in the rural areas of Himalayan region. The Bhaisajya Health Care facility provides such care to those students and families who normally have no access to health care or education.
Spiritual Education in Buddhism
By establishing the Sambhodhi Meditation Center, the Foundation can provide the power of positive thinking and the wisdom of Buddhism to those who are interested in finding and following a spiritual path. Today, modern medical research has found that a human’s brain and mind can get benefit from practicing meditation. Many schools in the west have adapted meditation classes into their school programs. They have proved that meditation can decrease violence and increase concentration among the students. The Foundation hopes to bring all the wisdom and benefits of Buddhism to people who wish to learn and practice.
“Padma Sambhava Charity Foundation has provided for more than 160 children who came from poor families of Himalayan region. Please come join us to give them hope and bring them a bright future.”